Kikusui Karakuchi Honjozo Sake 300ml

By |May 12, 2023|Categories: , , |

This is the Honjozo style sake with added distilled alcohol. Another popular category of standard class sake that all the sake drinker loves. The captivating smoothness and crisp dry finish pair well with grilled type of food. Enjoyable in chilled but warming it up will make it creamier and drier.

Mitsutake Crisp Junmai Daiginjo

By |June 7, 2023|Categories: , , , |

Mitsutake Brewery was found in 1688, Japan's "Genroku" era. Their corporate philosophy that "Sake Brewing is Human Development" and company motto "innovation from tradition" encourages them to strive to improve the quality of each and every product while protecting its origins. They aim to make delicious sake that enriches peoples feelings and brings them happiness. This sake is mellow with a rich umami and a light fruity aroma. Their koji is made not by machine, but by hand in small batches, using a traditional method of "koji hako" (or kōji boxes) to convey the pure flavors of the rice with strict quality control.  

Suigei Harmony Junmai Daiginjo

By |June 7, 2023|Categories: , , , |

Along the Tosa Sea, where whales swim and seafood is abundant, lies Kochi Prefecture. Suigei Brewing, founded in Kochi Prefecture, is in the center of the rich food culture of the Tosa area, as they are committed to brewing a “sake that pairs well with food.” Suigei’s sake has a mild aroma and rich umami, with a crisp aftertaste and light acidity that brings out the deliciousness of food. Their brewing technique focuses on making the most of the characteristics of the sake rice they use, with the main production method being Junmai-zukuri. They offer a variety of sakes from Junmai to Junmai Daiginjo.

Shichi Hon Yari Junmai The Seven Spearsmen

By |June 15, 2023|Categories: , , , |

Founded in the 1540’s, the Tomita Brewery is one of the oldest breweries in Japan and is now managed by the 15th generation of the family, Yasunobu Tomita, who is also the brewmaster. The Tomita’s named their sake Shichi Hon Yari, or “Seven Spearsmen,” after the leaders of the historic Battle of Shizugatake which was fought just outside their town of Kinomoto. Shichi Hon Yari Junmai is the classic representation of the brewery’s style with its traditional and modern dimensions. Earthy and rich aromatics and flavors meet elegance and softness in the finish. The bright acidity makes this a fun sake to pair with dishes outside of traditional Japanese cuisine, including Duck a l’orange and Yukhoe, Korean Steak Tartare.

Izumo Fuji Junmai Ancient Shrine

By |July 27, 2023|Categories: , , , |Tags: , |

Izumo Fuji Junmai Ancient Shrine is made with Yamada Nishiki rice grown in Shimane prefecture. The brewery is located in the town of Izumo, home to one of Japan’s oldest and most revered Shinto shrines. Izumo Fuji Junmai Ancient Shrine has violet aroma, plum on palate; soft, relaxed, and expansive in texture. An “umami type” of sake with ricey dryness. Serve chilled, room temperature or warmed. Versatile but best with rich foods like Japanese stews, grilled steak, and briny shellfish.

Jikon Junmai Ginjo Omachi

By |August 15, 2023|Categories: , , , |

--- Limited Availability --- Jikon (now or never) is a sake that lives up to its name. Bright, bracing and full of energy and elegance this is a sake that seizes the moment. Made by Tadayoshi Onishi in his family's traditional brewery in small batches using traditional methods and equipments. Drink it chilled, Kampai!!

Tentaka Organaka Junmai

By |August 19, 2023|Categories: , , , |

Tentaka Organaka Junmai is one of the few organic sakes produced in Japan and made with the intention of creating a completely natural product with nothing added. The area’s natural underground springs provide Tentaka with a pure, fresh water source, which is also triple-filtered. Tentaka Organaka Junmai is a sake with clean, dry, and straightforward, with bright banana and mild melon aromas and soft, subdued rice flavors. Try to pair it with brussels sprouts, butternut squash, shiitake mushrooms, or pork loin. Kampai!!

Toko Sun Rise Junmai Ginjo

By |August 19, 2023|Categories: , , , , |

Toko Sun Rise Junmai Ginjo is made from Dewasansan rice, a descendant of the iconic Omachi heirloom strain. This rice is exclusively grown in Yamagata prefecture and helped to pave the way for Yamagata to receive the first geographical indication (GI), or appellation, in all of Japan. Toko Sun Rise Junmai Ginjo has some grassy, floral aromas with green apple and melon notes. The finish is soft and smooth. It is an excellent pairing with teriyaki salmon, sautéed snow pea shoots or maple glazed ham.

Isojiman Tokubetsu Junmai 53 Sake Pride of the Seashore

By |August 28, 2023|Categories: , , , |

A lively and bracing sake, full bodied and assertive. Initial fruit notes of white peach balanced by darker shades of fresh cut herbs and a definitive saline finish that makes it an ideal pairing for fresh seafood and a knockout pairing for freshly cracked oysters. Made from heirloom Bizen Omachi rice milled to 53%.

Pure Dusk Junmai Daiginjo Sake

By |September 6, 2023|Categories: , , , |

Pure Dusk Junmai Daiginjo is produced using local, artisanal rice grown in Akita, Japan. The rice grain is milled to 45% of its original size. The sake has a fruity aromas like pear and hints of green apple. On the palate it shows a delicate structure, with hints of fresh orange peel and cantaloupe with a medium length and dry finish. Kampai!!

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