For lovers of all things bubbly, the ultimate indulgence is right at your fingertips. Introducing the 305 Wines Champagne Club, the perfect destination for the Champagne aficionado. This club is your passport to explore the world of Champagne, a region synonymous with elegance, celebration, and luxury. Whether you are a seasoned connoisseur or a bubbly beginner, our Champagne Club offers an exciting opportunity to discover and enjoy a variety of high-quality, small production wines from renowned winemakers and grower producers.

The club is designed with simplicity and flexibility in mind. As a member, each month, you will receive 1-2 carefully selected bottles of Champagne, delivered right to your doorstep. Our team of dedicated sommeliers meticulously curates the monthly offerings, with each shipment focusing on a unique tasting theme. Along with these sparkling gems, you will receive comprehensive tasting notes, enhancing your understanding and enjoyment of each bottle.

For only $109 per month, plus shipping, you can journey through the exquisite landscape of Champagne, experiencing the diverse styles and rich flavors that make this region so special. Remember, the term “Champagne” is reserved for sparkling wines produced in the Champagne region of France. It’s not just a testament to the quality of these wines, but also an assurance of their authenticity and adherence to strict winemaking standards.

One of the hallmarks of our Champagne Club is its flexibility. There’s no long-term commitment; you can choose to cancel, gift, or renew your membership at any time. This convenience makes the club not only a fantastic resource for expanding your own Champagne knowledge and palate but also a unique gift for friends, family, or business associates.

The 305 Wines Champagne Club is more than just a wine subscription; it’s an invitation to experience the world of Champagne, with its timeless elegance, centuries-old tradition, and exceptional diversity. Ready to start your bubbly journey? Join us at 305 Champagne Club and uncork the magic of Champagne.